Nothing and everything! NextStep has all the benefits of a regular gym but we have a range of supercharged features that enable us to provide more benefits to our members. Below are some of the key points of difference that makes NextStep stand out:
We have all the machines a regular gym might have but we have extra that can provide a wider range of options for people that might need different things. We have a recumbent stepper that anyone can use no matter your mobility, we have motorised bikes that assist you to move, we have vibration plates to enhance your bone density, we have virtual reality to prevent boredom, we have no mirrors all over the walls and a number of other pieces of equipment that no where else has.
Our staff are all qualified exercise physiologists with years of experience. This means that we can provide a higher level of care for our members and a level of safety for members that have a health condition or injury that needs a bit of extra attention when using the gym. Our gym is also always staffed so that you have piece of mind that there is always someone there to help if anything goes wrong or even if you just have a question about your routine.
NextStep is not only a gym with qualified exercise physiologists for staff but it also has New Zealand's only Neuro recovery clinic that specializes in helping people with neurological conditions improve. We can provide access to therapies that are currently only available overseas and have links with other NextSteps around the world to provide the latest in research backed rehabilitation.
Above are only 3 things that make us standout more than a regular gym but there are so many more; group outings as a gym, kids program, other health services and transport options. If you have any questions about how we might be able to help you then get in touch, we look forward to helping you take the NextStep!
